The Findley Companies
Supporting the financial industry for over 50 years!
Financial Industry Advisors
Since 1965, The Findley Companies have been committed to supporting "Premier Performance" for California financial institutions.
The Findley Companies are composed of three separate, but highly integrated, service areas: The Findley Reports, The Findley Group, and Gary Steven Findley & Associates, which respectively provide performance reporting and analysis, financial management consulting, legal representation and financial institution ratings.
Findley Reports Banking Newsletter
The Findley Reports publishes the highly recognized The Findley Reports Newsletter, a monthly publication providing essential banking transactions and regulatory updates in an editorial format that is concise and understandable. The newsletter is available in an electronic e-mail version (PDF file).
In our Newsletter, I have been writing about my “biggest clients” at The Preserve in Fredericksburg, Texas. Lots of things happening there! Click HERE for the Scoop Newsletter to read more about The Preserve.
Findley Reports Performance Criteria
Since 1967, The Findley Reports has been the foundation of the Findley Companies, providing valuable and accurate financial information to assist directors and managements in meeting the challenges and complexities of bank operations. The Findley Reports provides the banking industry with performance benchmarking through its annual designations of "Super Premier Performing," " Premier Performing," and "Commendable Performing" classifications.